Classes (data transfer objects)

These classes are subsets of corresponding DTO classes in Regla itself. For further details about individual entities see Regla and its manuals.

MethodResult Class

Most methods of ReglaWebService return a value of type MethodResult.

Getter methods ( GetCustomer(...), GetPostalCodes(...) etc.) return the method result via an out parameter.

Field Type Description
Messages String[] Contains messages indicating what was done if the method call was successful. Otherwise messages are errors. The language of messages depends on the language of the logged in user. Each element is a key/value pair ( Message Code and Value), separated by a semicolon.
Success Boolean Indicates whether a method call was successful or not.

Customer Class

A customer object is required for an Invoice and a Subscription Entry.

Field Type Req. Description
AddressLine1 String No Max length is 50 characters.
AddressLine2 String No Max length is 50 characters.
City String No This field can be used for customers that are not Icelandic.
Country String No The default value of this field is "Iceland".
If the value is something else, postal code automatically becomes "999 Millilandapóstur".
CreditcardExpiresMonth String No Creditcard expiring month
CreditcardExpiresYear String No Creditcard expiring year.
CreditcardNumber String No A valid creditcard number.
Full creditcard number for registration, masked (first six digits and last four digits) when viewed.
CreditcardVirtualNumber String No Virtual number for communication with creditcard company. Read-only; gotten from the creditcard company itself.
Culture String No Customer culture, based on contry, ie. "IS-is", "EN-us" etc. Use method GetCultures(...) to get a list of available cultures for a contry.
If no culture is provided or if culture does not match country, the default culture for a country is used.
Currency Currency
Yes Customer currency.
CustomerNumber String Yes This value identifies a customer.
Social security number for Icelandic customers.
If customer country is Iceland, min length is 10 digits, max length is 12 digits. The extra two digits at the end can be used to register the same customer more than once. Start with "99" if a customer does not have an Icelandic social security number.
If customer country is not Iceland, max length is 20 letter or digits.
DiscountPercentage Double No A read-only value for customer fixed discount percentage. 0.10 for 10%, 0.145 for 14.5% etc.
Products discount percentage applies if customer discount percentage exceeds product max discount percentage.
Email String No General email address for a customer. Must be a valid email address.
Max length is 50 characters.
ExclusionVatDefinition VatDefinition
No A valid vat definition with either key of "U3" ("Sala án vsk.", default) or "U5" ("Sala/útflutn. án vsk. skv. 12 gr.") must be set if the customer is excluded from vat. If a customer is to be excluded from vat, and this value is not set or the vat definition key is not "U3" or "U5", "U3" is used.
InvoiceComment String No A comment that appears on all invoices created for a customer.
Max length is 300 characters.
InvoiceEmail String No Email address for invoices.
If this value is not set invoices are not sent by email.
Must be a valid email address.
Max length is 50 characters.
IsDeliveryNoteDefault Boolean No Determines whether delivery note is default rather then a regular invoice.
IsElectronicInvoiceAtLeastOneRequired Boolean No A read-only value stating whether at least one of work number, order number and requestor is required on electronic invoices.
IsElectronicInvoiceOrderNumberRequired Boolean No A read-only value stating whether order number is required on electronic invoices.
IsElectronicInvoiceRequestorRequired Boolean No A read-only value stating whether requestor is required on electronic invoices.
IsElectronicInvoiceWorkNumberRequired Boolean No A read-only value stating whether work number is required on electronic invoices.
IsExcludedFromVat Boolean No Is the customer excluded from vat (value added tax)?
Language Language
No Customer language controls the language on a printed (.pdf) invoice.
Name String Yes Max length is 100 characters.
PaymentMethod PaymentMethod Yes This field controls the handling of booking and bank claims for an invoice.
Phone1 String No A valid phone number.
Max length is 20 characters.
Phone2 String No A valid phone number.
Max length is 20 characters.
PostalCode PostalCode
Yes A valid object of type PostalCode.
SendElectronicInvoice Boolean No Stating whether an invoice for a customer will be sent electronically or not.
This value is always false if the company itself is not marked for sending electronic invoice.
ShowPriceOnDeliveryNote Boolean No Determines whether to show price on delivery note.

These screenshots show customer regisration in Regla.

The Customer Class of ReglaWebService is a subset of the equivalent class in Regla itself.

Various settings for electronic invoices (xml).

Creditcard information.

Comments and rules for pay date and due date.

Product Class

A Product object is required for an Invoice Entry and Subscription Entry.

Field Type Req. Description
AllowDiscount Boolean Yes A value indicating whether a product allows discount.
AllowPriceOverwrite Boolean Yes A value indicating whether a product allows price overwrite.
Comment String No Max length is 300 characters.
ComparisonUnitCode String No Used in combination with QuantityPerComparisonUnit to calculate and display price per comparison unit.
Currency Currency
Yes A valid object of type Currency for product.
DescriptionLong String No Long description. Max length is 4000 characters.
DescriptionShort String No Short description. Max length is 1000 characters.
ID int No This value identifies a product.
IsInStockControl Boolean No A read-only value for whether product is marked for stock control.
This value is always false if company does not have the Stock Control System of Regla.
MaxDiscountPercentage Double No A read-only value for product max discount percentage.
0.10 for 10%, 0.145 for 14.5% etc.
Product discount percentage applies if customer discount percentage exceeds the product max discount percentage.
Name String Yes Product name.
Max length is 50 characters.
ProductGroupNumber String No Product group number.
ProductNumber String Yes This value can be used to identify a product. The ID property is better suited for identification because the product number can be changed.
Max length is 50 characters.
QuantityPerComparisonUnit String No Used in combination with ComparisonUnitCode to calculate and display price per comparison unit.
StockQuantity Double No A read-only value for stock quantity.
This value is always zero if product is not in stock control (property IsInStockControl is false)
UnitCode String No The unit code for the product according to the following table.
UnitPrice Decimal Yes Unit price without vat.
This value must be zero or above.
UseScale Boolean No An indicator whether to use scale or not for this product.
VatDefinition VatDefinition
Yes A valid object of type VatDefinition for product.

This screenshot shows product registration in Regla.

The ProductClass of ReglaWebService is a subset of the equivalent class in Regla itself.

Combination Class

Products can be combined of an array of other products.
This is useful to create package offers, set menus etc.
The Combination class is the array element of the product combination array.

You may for example have two products with different prices but it is the same product on stock.

You can also define that the sale of one product should affect the stock quantity of more than one product number.

Field Type Req. Description
Product Product
No The product in the combination.
Quantity Double No The quantity is typically 1, but can be any positive number.

The price for a shampoo, a comb and two combs is ISK 2.600 total.

There is also a product hairoffer with the price of ISK 2.000.

That product consists of the other three.

A sale is made for product hairoffer.

The stock count for the three products has changed.

Invoice Class

An invoice mainly consists of a customer and one or more invoice entries.

Field Type Req. Description
AdditionalAttachments AdditionalAttachments[]
No An array of valid objects of type AdditionalAttachments.
These are added to email attachments if the invoice is sent via email.
Maximum total size of attachments is 8 MB. Attachments exceeding that limit are skipped.
Amount Decimal No This value is the sum of the amount for all invoice entries. Read-only.
ApplicationName String No Invoice source system.
Consumer of the web service can write the name of their software here.
This, if done thoroughly, makes all troubleshooting and debugging easier.
ApplicationVersion String No Invoice source system version.
Comment String No Max length is 300 characters.
Concerning String No Max length is 300 characters.
This property is used for electronic invoice work number.
Creating an electronic invoice without this value will produce a warning if the customer requires a work number. The electronic invoice will be sent none the less.
CreditInvoiceNumber String If the invoice as been credited it has a reference to its credit invoice.
Currency Currency
No If the invoice has been credited it has a reference to its credit invoice.
Customer Customer
Yes A valid object of type Customer.
Date DateTime Yes Invoice date cannot be more than month in the future or on a period closed in Regla.
DebetInvoiceNumber String If the invoice is a credit invoice it has a reference to the invoice it was credited from.
Dimension1 Dimension
No A valid object of type Dimension, for the first dimension (department) of an invoice.
Dimension2 Dimension
No A valid object of type Dimension, for the second dimension of an invoice.
Dimension3 Dimension
No A valid object of type  Dimension, for the third dimension of an invoice.
Dimension4 Dimension
No A valid object of type  Dimension, for the forth dimension of an invoice.
DiscountAmount String No This value is the sum of the discount amount for all invoice entries. Read-only.
ElectronicInvoiceOrderNumber String No Max length is 50 characters.
Creating an electronic invoice without this value will produce a warning of the customer requires an order number. The electronic invoice will be sent none the less.
ElectronicInvoiceRequestor String No Max length is 50 characters.
Creating an electronic invoice without this value will produce a warning if the customer requires a requestor. The electronic invoice will be sent none the less.
EmailBody String No Email body text used if an invoice is sent via email. If not provided a default one is used.
EmailSubject String No Email subject text used if an invoice is sent via email. If not provided a default one is used.
Employee Employee
No The employee that registered the invoice. Read-only?
<="" td=""> String No Confirmation code returned by tax-authorities printer.
FiscalRecieptId int No Receipt ID returned by tax-authorities printer.
FiscalTerminalId String No Fiscal terminal ID returned by tax-authorities printer.
InvoiceEntries InvoiceEntry[]
Yes An invoice must contain at least one invoice entry.
Each invoice entry is validated.
InvoiceNumber String No A system generated invoice number identifies an invoice. Read-only.
IsElectronicInvoice Boolean No A read-only value for whether invoice is electronic or not.
IsPrinted Boolean No A read-only value for whether invoice has been printed. Invoice sent via email is considered printed. Electronic invoices are always considered printed.
Location Location
No Invoice location. A table at a restaurant, a room in a hotel, a lane in a bowling alley etc.
NumberOfGuests int No Number of people at a restaurant table, number of guests at a hotel room etc.
PaymentPartitions PaymentPartitions[]
No A customer has a payment method. If needed payment can be split between payment methods using this field. An example would be if the customer pays 40% of the invoice by cash; 25% ISK and 15% EUR, and the rest by creditcard(s). Total amount of invoice is checked against the sum of amount for all partitions. If the amount is partitioned these two values must match. If not, no invoice is created.
Type Enum.InvoiceType
No Invoice type.
UniqueReference String No Can be used to put an unique tag on an invoice in order to prevent creating the same invoice more than once.
VatAmount Descimal No A read-only value for invoice VAT amount.

InvoiceEntry Class

An invoice entry contains a Product and quantity.

Field Type Req. Description
Amount Decimal No This value is quantity multiplied by unit price of product, taking possible discount into account. Read-only.
Date DateTime No The exact time when an invoice entry was added to an invoice. This is for example handy at a restaurant where bill is generated over a period of some hours.
Dimension2 Dimension
No A valid object of type Dimension, for the second dimension of an invoice entry. If this value is not set, the invoice entry will get the second dimension from the invoice.
A warning is displayed if this value is not set but the product requires it. An invoice is created none the less.
An invoice entry gets first dimension (department) from the invoice itself or from the logged in user.
Dimension3 Dimension
No A valid object of type  Dimension, for the third dimension of an invoice entry. If this value is not set, the invoice entry will get the third dimension from the invoice.
A warning is displayed if this value is not set but the product requires it. An invoice is created none the less.
Dimension4 Dimension
No A valid object of type  Dimension, for the forth dimension of an invoice entry. If this value is not set, the invoice entry will get the forth dimension from the invoice.
A warning is displayed if this value is not set but the product requires it. An invoice is created none the less.
Discount Double No This value can either represent discount amount or discount percentage (0.10 for 10%, 0.145 for 14.5% etc.), based on the value of property IsDiscountPercentage.
Eventually the value is stored (in database) as an amount.
Employee Employee
No An invoice can have different employees for invoice entires.
GUID String No Set a globally unique identifier for this invoice entry.
The GUID can be used to update the status for that particular invoice entry (via method UpdateStatusForInvoiceEntry(...)).
ID int No
This value is read-only. It identifies an invoice entry after creation of an invoice.
IsDiscountPercentage Boolean No Indicates whether the value for discount should be treated as an amount (false) or as percentage (true).
Default value is false.
Product Product
Yes A valid object of type Project.
Quantity Double Yes Product quantity for invoice entry.
Status InvoiceEntryStatus
No Current status of an invoice entry.
Text String No Max length is 300 characters.
UnitPrice Decimal No A read-only value for invoice entry unit price.
VatAmount Decimal No A read-only value for invoice entry VAT amount.
VatPercentage Double No A read-only value for invoice entry VAT percentage.

This screenshot shows an invoice in Regla.

The Invoice and the Invoice Entry classes are subsets of equivalent classes in Regla itself.

This particular invoice contains two entries.

The invoice shows the value of the Concerning field (1) and the Comment field (2) of class Invoice, as well as the Discount, (3) and (4) and value of the Text field of class InvoiceEntry (5) and (6).

Discount only applies if product allows it.

Product Max Discount Percentage applies if Customer Discount Percentage is greater than product max discount.

Invoice Entry Discount applies if it is more than zero, independent of customer discount and product max discount.

Location Class

Restaurant table, hotel room, bowling lane etc.

Field Type Req. Description
ID int No Location ID.
LocationNumber String No Location number.
LocationGroupNumber String No Location group number.
Name String No Location name.

A list of locations.

LocationGroup Class

Hall, floor, bar etc.

Field Type Req. Description
GroupNumber String No Location group number.
Name String No Location group name.
Locations Location[]
No Locations.

Location groups.

Subscription Class

A subscription is a template that contains Subscription Entries.

Field Type Req. Description
Comment String No Max length is 300 characters.
Concerning String No Max length is 300 characters.
Dimension1 Dimension
No A valid object of type Dimension, for the first dimension (department) of a subscription.
Dimension2 Dimension
No A valid object of type Dimension, for the second dimension of a subscription.
Dimension3 Dimension
No A valid object of type  Dimension, for the third dimension of a subscription.
Dimension4 Dimension
No A valid object of type  Dimension, for the forth dimension of a subscription.
Title String Yes This value identifies a subscription.
Max length is 100 characters.

This screenshot shows subscription registartion in Regla.

The values of fields concerning and comment will be used for each invoice created by this subscription.

SubscriptionEntry Class

A subscription entry belongs to a Subscription.

Field Type Req. Description
Customer Customer
Yes A valid object of type Customer.
Dimension2 Dimension
No A valid object of type Dimension, for the second dimension of a subscription entry.
Dimension3 Dimension
No A valid object of type Dimension, for the third dimension of a subscription entry.
Dimension4 Dimension
No A valid object of type Dimension, for the fourth dimension of a subscription entry.
ID int No This value identifies a subscription entry.
InvoiceEntryDiscount Decimal No It is possible to define discount percentage for a subscription entry/invoice entry. That discount always has higher priority than customer discount. Product max discount always has the highest priority though. 
InvoiceNumber String No A reference to the last invoice created by this subscription entry. An empty string if this entry has not been run before.
LastRun DateTime?  No When was this subscription entry last run? 
Product Product
Yes A valid object of type Product.
Quantity Double Yes This value must be above zero.
Recipient Customer
No A valid object of type Customer if the subscription entry has a recipient.
Subscription Subscription
Yes A valid object of type Subscription.
Text String No This value will be used as invoice entry text for every invoice created by the subscription.
Max length is 300 characters.
ValidFrom DateTime? No This is a constraint for the duration of a subscription entry. Subscription run execution skips subscription entries where this date is in the future.
ValidTo DateTime? No If this field has a value it can not be in the past. 

The following screenshot shows a few Subscription Entries in Regla

The first three are straight forward; the customer is also the Recipient

The last one has a recipient as well as an Expiry Date (ValidTo)

PaymentMethod Class

Payment Method detetmines the type of accounting booking and bank claims for customer's invoices.

Field Type Description
ID String This value identifies a payment method.
IssuerID int Payment method issuer id.
Name String Payment method name.
NameEnglish String English payment method name.

This screenshot shows an example of available payment methods in Regla

PaymentPartition Class

The total amount of an Invoice can be split into partitions.
Each partition has its own Payment method and Currency.
That way an invoice can, for example, be paid partly by cash (ISK, EUR, USD etc.), and partly by creditcard(s).
Currency Exchange Rate and Company Exchange Rate Markup can be used to calculate the amount, based on the currency amount.
If the amount is partitioned the total amount of partitions must match the total amount of the invoice.
If it does not match invoice is not created.

Field Type Description
Amount Decimal The amount for a payment partition.
C4 String The last four digits of the card number.
CardholderSlip String The payment slip for the cardholder. This string is Payment Processor specific.
CardholderVerificationMethod String Payment Processor dependent string specifying how the payment was verified. For Verifone this is a number indicating whether the payment was signed on the printed merchant copy, PIN code verified or touchless.
CreditNoteNumber int The number of the Credit Note. This number is provided by Regla if applicable.
Currency Currency
A valid object of type Currency for a payment partition.
CurrencyAmount Decimal The currency amount for a payment partition.
GiftCertificateNumber int The number of the Gift Certificate. This number is provided by Regla if applicable. 
MerchantSlip String The payment slip for the merchant. This string is Payment Processor specific. 
PaymentMethod PaymentMethod
A valid object of type PaymentMethod for a payment partition. 
PaymentProcessor String Payment Processor, for instance „Verifone“. 
SystemTraceAuditNumber String A unique ID for the card payment. This ID, usually called STAN, is provided by the Payment Processor.
TransactionReply String The transaction reply from the Payment Processor. This string is Payment Processor specific.

AdditionalAttachment Class

An invoice is sent via email if cutomer is set that way.
Additional files can be attached to that email.

Field Type Description
File Byte[] Byte array for additional attachment.
Name String File name for additional attachment.

VatDefinition Class

An object of this type is used to determine the vat definition for a Product

Field Type Description
Description String Textual representation of a vat definition.
Key String This value identifies a vat definition.
Percentage Double Percentage for vat definition.

This screenshot shows an example of available vat definition in Regla.

Currency Class

Regla fetches currency exchange rates daily. 

Field Type Description
BuyingRate Double Currency buying rate for the current day.
Code String This value identifies a currency.
SellingRate Double Currency selling rate for the current day.
Symbol String Currency symbols, i.e. £, €, $, kr. etc.

ProductGroup Class

A product can belong to zero to one product group. 

Field Type Description
BOMPrinter String Max length is 50 characters.
Discount Decimal Product group discount percentage.
GroupNumber String GroupNumber identifies a product group.
Max length is 10 characters.
Name String Max length is 50 characters.
Products Product[]
A list of products in product group.

Product groups.

Selecting a product group for a product.

ProductBarcode Class

It is possible to register many barcodes for a single product.
Each barcode can only belong to one product.

Field Type Description
Barcode String Product barcode.
ProductID int Product id.
ProductNumber String Product number.

CustomerGroup Class

A customer can belong to zero to many customer groups.

Field Type Description
Customers Customer[]
Get all customers that belong to customer group.
GroupNumber String Group number identifies a customer group.
Name String Customer group name.

A list of customer groups. 

Selecting customer groups for a customer. 

StockRoom Class

Field Type Description
Description String Max length is 50 characters.
ID int Identifies a stockroom.

A list of stockrooms.

Selecting a stock room for a product stock transaction. 

ProductRate Class

Product rates make it possible to use different product unit prices for specific circumstances. 

A product rate applies on different levels for products and customers.
It can apply to all products, a product group or a single product.
Similarly it can apply to all customers, a customer group or single customer.

Field Type Description
AllCustomers Boolean Productrate applies to all customers.
AllProducts Boolean Productrate applies to all products.
Customer Customer
Productrate applies to a particular customer.
CustomerGroup CustomerGroup
Productrate applies to a particular customer group .
Days int Days.
Description String Max length is 50 characters.
From DateTime From.
ID int Identifies a product rate. 
IncrementThreshold Double Increment threshold.
IsDiscount Boolean Is percentage discount or imposition? 
MinimumQuantity Double Minimum quantity. 
Months int Months.
Percentage Double Percentage.
Product Product
Productrate applies to a particular product.
ProductGroup ProductGroup
Productrate applies to a particular product group. 
TimeFrom DateTime Time from.
TimeTo DateTime Time to. 
To DateTime To. 
Type ProductRateType
Period, weekdays or months.
UnitPrice Decimal Unit price.
UnitPriceType ProductRateUnitPriceType
Unit price, percentage or get unit price from product.
UnitSize Double Unit size.
Weekdays int Weekdays. 
Year int Year.

StockTransaction Class

Field Type Description
Date DateTime The date of a stock transaction.
Description String Description for a stock transaction.
Dimension1 Dimension
A valid object of type Dimension, for the first dimension (department) of a subscription.
ID int This value identifies a stock transaction object.
Product Product
The product of a stock transaction. 
Quantity Double The quantity for a stock transaction.
Reference String The reference text for a stock transaction.
StockRoom StockRoom
The stockroom for a stock transaction. 
StockTransactionType Enum.StockTransactionType
Stock transaction type.

Product stock transaction registration.

StockCount Class

Field Type Description
CountDate DateTime The date (and time) of stock count. Stock counts are grouped by day.
Employee Employee
The employee that registered the stock count. 
ID int This value identifies a stock count object.
Product Product
Product being counted.
Quantity Double Product stock quantity for this stock count. 
StockQuantity Double Stock quantity of product for current stock room. Read-only.
StockRoom StockRoom
Stock room.
TotalStockQuantity Double Stock quantity of product for across stock all rooms. Read-only. 

Product stock count registration.

PostalCode Class

Field Type Description
Name String Community/town name.
Value String This value identifies a postal code.

Dimension Class

There are four dimensions available in Regla.
The first dimension is reserved for department, but the other are customizable.

Field Type Description
Description String Dimension description.
GroupDescription String Dimension group description.
GroupID int Group ID is a value between 1 and 4. Group ID 1 is reserved for department.
ID int This value identifies a dimension.
Title String Dimension title.

User Class

An object of this type describes the user logged in to ReglaWebService.

Field Type Description
Culture String User culture, based on country, ie. " IS-is", "EN-us" etc. 
Currency Currency
User currency.
DepartmentID int Department ID.
DepartmentName String Department name.
Email String E-mail address.
LanguageName String Language name, ie. "Icelandic (Iceland)".
LanguageNativeName String Language native name, ie. "Íslenska (Ísland)".
LanguageValue String Language value, ie. "is-IS".
Name String Name. 
Phone1 String Phone number.
Phone2 String Phone number.
UserName String Username.
UserNumber String This value identifies a user.

Company Class

An object of this type describes the company of the user logged in to  ReglaWebService.

Field Type Description
Address String Company address.
BankAccount String Company bank address.
BankDescription String Company bank description.
City String Company city.
CompanyNumber String This value identifies a company.
Culture String User culture, based on country, ie. "IS-is", "EN-us" etc.
Currency Currency
Company currency.
Email String E-mail address.
ExchangeRateMarkup Double Can be used to control company exchange rate.
IsUnitPriceInSaleRegisteredWithVAT Boolean Is unit price input with VAT when creating an invoice?
LanguageName String Language name, ie. "Icelandic (Iceland)".
LanguageNativeName String Language native name, ie. "Íslenska (Ísland)".
LanguageValue String Language value, ie. "is-IS".
Name String Name.
Phone String Phone number.
PostalCode PostalCode
Company  PostalCode.
SendElectronicInvoice Boolean Does the company send electronic invoices?
VATNumber String Company VAT number.

Employee Class

Field Type Description
Comments String Max length is 300 characters.
DefaultProduct Product
Employee default product.
Email String Must be a valid email address.
Max length is 100 characters.
EmployeeNumber String This value identifies an employee.
Social security number for Icelandic employees. 
Name String Max length is 50 characters.
Phone1 String A valid phone number.
Max length is 20 characters. 
Phone2 String A valid phone number.
Max length is 20 characters. 
Products Product[]
Products assigned to employee.
UserName String Max length is 50 characters. 

Language Class

Field Type Description
ID int Language id.
Name String Language name. 
NativeName String Language native name. 
Value String Language value (en-US, is-IS etc.).

Project Class

A Project contains a collection of project accounting entries and project accounting product entries.
Field Type Description
Customer Customer
A valid object of type Customer.
Description String Max length is 500 characters.
Employee Employee
Employee responsible for project. 
ID int This value identifies a project. 
Modified DateTime When project was last changed.
Name String Max length is 50 characters.
ProjectAccountingEntries ProjectAccountingEntry[]
A list of  Project Accounting Entries that belong to project.
ProjectAccountingProductEntries ProjectAccountingProductEntry[]
A list of  Project Accounting Product Entries that belong to project. 
Status Enum.ProjectStatus
Project status.
Tasks Task[]
Tasks available for project. It is possible that no tasks are assigned to a project. 

Project registration.

ProjectAccountingEntry Class

Field Type Description
AllocatedQuantity Double Allocated quantity.
Description String Max length is 500 characters.
Employee Employee
Project accounting entry belongs to an employee.
ID int This value identifies a project accounting entry.
InvoiceNumber String InvoiceNumber if project accounting entry has been charged. An empty string otherwise.
IsCharged Boolean Determines whether the project accounting entry is charged or not.
MeasuredQuantity Double Measured quantity.
Modified DateTime When project accounting entry was last changed. 
Notes String Max length is 500 characters.
Product Product
Project accounting entry possibly has a product assigned to it. 
Project Project
The Project that this project accounting entry belongs to. 
Quantity Double Number of hours for the project accounting entry. 
StartTime DateTime Date and time for the start of the project accounting entry.
Status ProjectAccountingEntryStatus
Project accounting entry status.
Task Task

Project Accounting Entry registration.

ProjectAccountingProductEntry Class

Field Type Description
Description String Max length is 300 characters.
Employee Employee
Project accounting product entry belongs to an employee.
ID int This value identifies a project accounting product entry.
InvoiceNumber String InvoiceNumber if project accounting entry has been charged. An empty string otherwise. 
Modified DateTime When project accounting entry was last changed.
Product Product
Project accounting entry has a product assigned to it. 
Project Project
The Project that this project accounting product entry belongs to.
Quantity Double Quantity for the project accounting product entry. 
Task String Task name. 

Project Accounting Product Entry registration.

Task Class

Field Type Description
ID int Identifies a task.
Name String Task name.

File Class

Field Type Description
Blob Byte[]  The file itself as an array of bytes.
Name String Filename, including file extension.
ReferenceID int A reference to the object the file belongs to ( Project Accounting Entry ID, Invoice Number etc.). A reference is not needed for Company System Logo and Company Form Logo
Type Enum.FileType
Type of file. See description for the  FileType enum. 

TransactionCategory Class

A Transaction Category partially identifies a Transaction.
The other parts are the Transaction Serial and Year.The categories are
Key Name
10 Manual registered transactions
12 Imported transactions (.csv)
14 Transactions from app
20 Transactions from sale system
30 Transactions from bank
40 Transactions from creditcard (Visa)
50 Transactions from creditcard (Mastercard)
60 Claims, interest and tax
62 Borgun, service fees etc.
70 Transactions from salary system
80 Received electronic invoices (xml)
Field Type Decsription
Key int See list above.
Name String See list above.

AccountingKey Class

Field Type Description
Key int Identifies an accounting key.
Name String Further explains the purpose of the key.

Transaction Class

Field Type Description
Attachments File[]  Use FileType.TransactionAttachment for attachments. 
Category TransactionCategory Transaction category partially identifies a transaction.
Date DateTime Accounting transaction date. 
Entries TransactionEntry[]  An Accounting Transaction contains one or more Transaction Entries.
Serial Int Transaction category, serial and year fully identify a transaction.

TransactionEntry Class

Field Type Description
AccountingKey AccountingKey
Transaction Entries are grouped by Accounting Keys.
ID int Used as a reference id for file attachments.
Serial int Transaction category, serial and year fully identify a transaction entry.
Text String Transaction text. 

This screenshot shows accounting transaction registration in Regla.

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