The first steps with Regla

This is a summary of the steps required to get started with Regla.

1. How do I learn about Regla? / in more detail

We have courses, both teleconferences and recordings

We have detailed documentation of our system, which is both accessible through Regla and directly at

Services are included with Regla and you can send mail to call 520 1200

  1. Create access / details. Go to and select New registration

    b. Click on the link in the email you receive and complete your registration

    c. Complete the registration and select the systems you intend to use and create access

    3. Create users / details and grant access permissions / details

    a. Create an employee

    b. Assign access rights

    4. Read in data / 2 ways

    a. If data is not coming out of another system, it can be convenient to use a template import

    i. Clients / details

    ii. Products / details

    iii. Financial accounting entries / more

    b. If data has been read from a previous system, it is a good idea to use the import menu / details

5. Sækja um B2B tengingu og innheimtuþjónustu hjá banka (valkvætt) / nánar

a. Byrja þarf á að hafa samband við þjónustufulltrúa viðkomandi banka og sækja um B2B tengingu og innheimtuþjónustu.

b. Bankinn sendir notandanafn og lykilorð sem skrá þarf inn í Reglu og vista þegar þú sendir kröfur í fyrsta sinn.

c. Fylgið nánari skrefum til að stilla upp bankareikning, kröfum og merkja viðskiptavini.

6. Sækja um rafræna reikninga (valkvætt) / nánar

Til að sækja um rafræna reikninga velur þúStjórnun / Viðhald skráa / Sækja um rafræna reikninga 

1. velur skeytamiðlara2. velur að Senda beiðni3. velur Senda og staðfesta beiðni

  1. Apply for a national register (optional) / more To apply for a national register, select Management / Maintenance of records / Apply for connection to a national register

    1. select Send request to Process2. select Send and confirm request

    8. Set up the appearance of the account / details. You can change the appearance of the invoice header1. You can put your own brand name 2. You can publish information about the company

    b. Information about the company uses the information provided during new registration

    c. You can also put different text on the header and footer of invoices

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