
First see our Templates for data import article before starting

Importing Products:

The inventory must be composed of the following areas and order:

1.Product no.
2.Product name
3.Product group
4.Supplier (Kennitala of the supplier)
5.Price without VAT (if applicable, otherwise put 0)
6.Wholesale price without VAT (if applicable, otherwise put 0)
7.Cost price
9.Allow discount (0=no/1=yes)
10.Max discount
11.Short description
12.Long description
13.Allow price overwrite (0=no/1=yes)
14.Product is in stock control (0=no/1=yes)

The system allows the first line to contain a column name if the "File contains header" box is checked.

All data imported into the system goes through the same debugging process as the data entered directly into the system, therefore the same rules apply to all areas.

Below are detailed information of the areas and order from above:

1)The product number must be unique, not necessarily a number because both number and letters are allowed

2)Product name is the name of the product

3)Product group is the name of the group. If the product group is not already in the system then it will be created

4)In Supplier you put in the kennitala of the supplier. Note that the kennitala must be in the Customers list, if not you can leave this blank

5)Price without VAT, the system allows the company to be defined as a retailer, wholesaler or both within the Regla system and therefore both prices can be entered when importing a file. If a product has no Price without VAT, simply set 0 in this area

6)Wholesale price without VAT, the system allows the company to be defined as a retailer, wholesaler or both within the Regla system and therefore both prices can be entered when importing a file. If a product has no Wholesale price without VAT, simply set 0 in this area

7)Cost price, if the cost price is listed for a product, you can see the total cost price of the goods sold in all queries in the Sales system. If no cost price is required, set 0 in this area

8)VAT, here you put the correct type of VAT for the product

9)Allow discount on the product? (0=no/1=yes)

10)Max discount, here you can put a max discount on a product. If you don't want a max discount simply put 0 in this area

11)Short description, if none simply put 0 in this area

12)Long description, if none simply put 0 in this area

13)Allow price overwrite (0=no/1=yes). If yes then you can overwrite a price of a product. For example when using the ReglaPOS register app

14)Product is in stock control (0=no/1=yes)

An example of lines would be:

4500;Paper A4;100;1601542179;500;300;100;24,0;1;10;1;1

4501;Paper A3;200;1601542179;600;400;200;11,0;1;15;0;0

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