How do i establish a connection between Regla and my bank?

To be able to run those processes that connect to the banking system (e.g. request transactions from bank account and register payment requests for invoices from the sale system) you need to contact your bank in order to build a connection. This is a different process depending on which bank you are in business with:


Please contact a service representative at Landsbanki first. Then you will get a special Username and Password for this connection.

Also, you can use the same information as using normal online banking business service. You may need to undersign a contract and then scan and email to the bank.


Please contact a service representative at Íslandsbanki and visit him to sign contract with the header „Umsókn um tengingu úr kerfi Reglu ehf. í vefþjónustur Íslandsbanka hf. fyrir lögaðila og einstaklinga“. The service representative will then allow the connection.

Arion banki

You can use the same Username and Password as using the bank's online banking services.

The password for communication between Regla and the bank can not be longer than 8 characters long and it must only contain characters and digits (no dots, commas, symbols etc.). In the first attempt to connect to the bank this text may appear in front of a error message:

„Did not manage to get transactions. The following error text was returned::An error occurred(1000).“ or the text „Rafræn skilríki hafa ekki verið virkjuð“ or similar.

If such error is encountered you need to contact or call 444 7000 and send the username you used to connect with the bank and some notes proved that you are using the OBWS connection.

The bank will then connect your username to the certificate that the system uses and let you know. After that you will be able to connect to the bank.

Sparisjóðir og Kvika

Please contact a service representative at Sparisjóður or Kvika and check the following.

The company has to have internet bank connection to Sparisjóður or Kvika (admittance group 20 or 21).

Sparisjóður or Kvika then gives the customer username and password and connects ssn 5111861889 for Fakta to that admittance.

A more detailed proccess can be found here:

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