Payment request processing

In Regla, you can send payment request to the bank in a very simple way.

The first step is to activate the service here.

In Regla, claims can be handled in two ways, on the one hand they are sent directly to the bank as soon as the invoice is registered and on the other hand they are put on hold.

You can choose any claim and send it to the bank, but it doesn't necessarily have to be the oldest, although this is usually the case. This is done by checking the relevant rows, you can also select all the rows by checking the header of the first column. Then click on the Send to bank button on the top left. If this is the first time this has been done after opening the system, the same input window appears as when creating claims without placing them in a queue. While the claims are being sent, a small image appears indicating that the system is working and the Send to bank button is disabled, sending a claim to the bank may take some time and it is not recommended to work on anything else in the system while claims are being sent.

It is also offered to view the status of the payment request that have been sent, when you enter that screen you will see only three buttons and one drop-down list. In order to view the submitted claims, you have to select the desired position, period and click on the Download claims button. A list of the claims that have been sent to the bank will then appear.

You can also select a claim from the list and cancel it or send it back to the bank.

Under Payment request sent from other systems, you can view claims that have been created differently than by creating invoices in Regla, e.g. if claims have been created directly in a corporate bank.

All the screenshots with information about claims both sent and not sent offer a Print View from where you can print, send by email, export to pdf and Excel.

You can select "Status for payment requests in process" and see the status for a given period and by customer.

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