VAT processing

A Vat payoff can be executed for a certain time period.  If entries of period changed the system will notify the user and asks for Vat reprocessing.
To confirm Vat process, you need to ensure no transactions are with not finish status.
After confirm, the system still allows the correction process as shown in the example below.

VAT processing - calculation

Here you can select a period for Vat processing ( Date from and Date to) and then click the button New period. Previous Vat processes can always be displayed by selecting a period in the Period drop down menu. The Vat can always be reprocessed or deleted if the Confirm and send or Confirm without sending buttons have not been clicked.
If the Vat process has been confirmed you can click on  Correction vat process if reprocess needed.
When Vat process is confirmed, the system will summarize difference between the output and input account key and fill it into the Vat payoff account key(9535 by default, user can change it in  Accounting>Admin >Booking control).Vat payoff account key can be defined under Accounting>Admin>Booking control.

By clicking the magnifying glass  steakkunarglerthe Vat calculation is displayed according to account keys.  
You can click another magnifying glass 

steakkunarglerto see the calculation for each transaction.  

Examples of such queries are displayed below.
By selecting a period and then click on  Query button you can query vat grouped for whatever period you choose e.g. the whole year. By clicking the magnifying glass 

steakkunarglerthe Vat calculation is displayed according to account keys.  You can click another magnifying glass steakkunarglerto see the calculation for each. The queries are not kept in the.

VAT delivery

The lower part of the screen shot above shows the Vat payment that will be sent to the Tax Authority.
By entering a  Web key of the Tax Authority and clicking the Send button, the Vat payoff will be sent.

If no errors exist in the report, you will receive an electronic receipt from the Tax Authority and can view it by clicking the  paperclipIconicon.If you finish the correction process you can send it manually immediately or can send with the Correction report after the year is cleared.  

VAT segmentation by account keys

By clicking on the magnifying glass detail records for the account key are shown.
If more than one account key is shown above you can click the button  View all transactions and display all detail records for all account keys shown.

VAT segmentation for entries

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