Balance sheet1
Here you can search entries or print a balance sheet.
First, you could select one type of balance sheet in the definition.
As mentioned before, standardized settings that are included in the system can be modified and new settings can be created.
After select a setting, a list of account keys are displayed in the overview. An example of processing a balance sheet can be seen below.
A selected setting is either the definition included in the system or the user-defined ones.
Date from
The start date the overview should be based on.
Date to
The end date the overview should be based on.
Compare date from
For balance sheet comparison. The start date of another period.
Compare date to
For balance sheet comparison. The end date of another period.
Show only details
If the Shown details only for defined item is checked option is checked, only records the selected account keys will be display. Otherwise all lines will be shown in details.
Show header
This option determines if a header of company and the type of the operation should be displayed when the query was executed, as shown in the example below. At the bottom of the revenue statement/balance sheet, the company information is always displayed.
Headline on report
The Headline on report field indicates which text should be displayed in bold and underlined as shown in the example below. The headline is automatically created according to your configuration and the date chosen. This text can be changed if you prefer.
An example of a revenue statement
An example of a balance sheet