Request eCommerce invoices

All already received unbooked invoices are shown and also all new unreceived invoices are received. Invoices that the system has found booking information for and therefore ready to book are shown with icon 

checkmarkIcon in the end of the line and can be selected by checking in the checkbox in front of the line or select all by using the checkbox in the header of the lines and then sent to transaction journal by clicking on the button „Send selected invoices to trans. journal“. By clicking on documenticon a image of the invoice is shown.
On the bottom of the image you will also see if there are some additional attachments which you can also view by clicking on the appropriate

deleteiconBy clicking on deleteicon1you will reject the invoice and then not see it again but take care that the supplier will not get any automatic information of the rejection so you have to contact him if necessary. By clicking on the line of the invoice you will see all the invoice lines where you can both define transaction controls for booking or change booking information on the lines directly.


Change invoice lines/transaction control

Here all the lines on the invoice are shown and you can define transactions control for booking by clicking onaddtransactionIcon to create definition or editTransaction to change definition. Wen transaction control has been created or changed all invoice lines will be updated according to that. When all invoice lines have been updated and are ready for booking they will get the status checkmarkIconand also the invoice. Then you can click on „Back/See invoices“ and there send all invoices that are ready for booking to the transaction journal.
You can also register booking information directly on the invoice line by clicking on the line but we strongly recommend using the transaction controls. By using the transaction control the system learns and knows how to book similar invoice next time.  


Define/Change transaction control

Upper part of the display „Definitions“ contains the fields used for controling the booking. Fields used for booking are defined under  the lower part „Booking“. The booking controls works in the way that the more definitions under „Definitions“ that match the transaction then the booking information for that definition under „Booking“ will be used. The minimum information under „Definitions“ are „Vendor“ and „Vat group“ and are they taken directly from the invoice line and can not be changed.

On the display here under we have chosen to change transaction control. The only field that is defined apart from „Vendor“ and „Vat Group“ is „Description contains text“ and then account key 4030 should be used.
Not any special text is defined for the transaction and then the name of the supplier will be used. If the checkbox „Transaction marked as unfinished“ is checked the transaction will be marked with red in transaction journal and has to be selected in registration and confirmed there. When clicked on button „Update“ all invoice lines will be updated using this transaction control.


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