Account keys
The account key contains a combination of accounting information, including Numeric Key, Key name, Parent key, Key type, Vat group, Tax key etc.
Searching for a specific key is simple. You just need to type in whole or part of key number or name into the search field and click Search.
If no search criterion is given, all account keys will be displayed.
The search field has one text area and three buttons.
After the search criterion is entered, the computer will automatically search the database.
If an account key or keys are found, they will be listed in a table below the search area and the detailed information of the selected account key will be displayed on the right side of the table. You could click the Clear button to clear the search area and the displayed information of account keys.
Account keys can also be found in the account key tree menu above the search area.
The keys in the tree menu are grouped with parent keys and associated keys. When a key is selected in the tree, detailed information regarding that key will be displayed on the right hand side.
The icon in the last column of the account key table indicates that if a key is active or inactive.
The status could be changed by clicking the icon.
By clicking on different columns, the displayed order of account keys can be changed in different sequence, according to name or types, for example.
Basic information
You could access the basic information in two different modes, creation mode and edit mode.
The only difference between these two is that the creation mode has a Create button and in the edit mode you could see the Update, Delete and Copy button.
By clicking on the copy button you can copy the value of the current key and enter the creation mode.
In Regla, the Key is used as a unique identifier for an accounting entry. After transaction is registered with specific key, it could not be motified or deleted. The key can set as ''inactive'' if you don't wish to record an transaction by using it anymore.
Key name
Key name should contain a descriptive name for an entry.
Parent key
You could select which parent key a key should belong to. Please note that the parent key must have a lower kay number than the key itself.
Key type
Two key types Balance (Efnahagur) and Revenue (Rekstur) are available here. Please not that the kay and its parent key need to have the same key type.
Default transaction text
When a transaction entry is recorded with a specific key, the text you entered here will become a default descriptive transaction text. The text can be motified or clear when recording the transaction.
Require in transaction
You can choose this tickbox to require (social security number) when recording a transaction.
VAT group
The VAT group the key should belong to.
Tax key
You could select a tax key here and tax keys in the system are obtained from the Icelandic Tax authority.
Contractor key
Here you could define which account keys should be used for the payment to contractors. When contractor payments are made, transactions record with the contractor key will be sent to tax authorities. You can also define the keys when processing the payments under Accounting > Processing > Contractor payments.
Allow for manual transaction
It is a mark showing keys could be used for transaction recording. For example, some account keys should only be used for VAT but not be allowed to use in recording any transactions. Besides, for parent key, this option is not available.
Not active
This field indicates if the key is active or inactive If a key is marked as Not active, it is only visible here in the setting of account keys. The last column of the account key list indicated the status of the key. The status can be changed by clicking the status icon.