Salary execution

Create a new pay run

You need to select the Type of wages (i.e. monthly or weekly salary), Pay period selected (i.e. date from and date to.) and then click the New pay run button.
The system will then calculate salary for all employees in all departments and displays the running result as a single line in the list below.
The system will make sure that the period you selected for salary execution does not overlap with periods that have been executed.
You can, however, run the same period again if you forget any employee. While running the same period again you make the employees inactive who you have already calculated salary for.

It is not possible to execute more than one pay run at once. In the end of the line, you will see the columns that show the status of the settlement payments for the salary pay run, which means status of paid salaries, sent cash, paid tax and sent contributions to pension funds.

Pay run summary

This is a summary of salary execution. Before the salary execution has been processed in Processing> Batch processing, it can be or recalculated by clicking the 

refreshIcon button.
You can always delete last salary execution by clicking the 

stopIcon button, but then you have to take care of if you have already confirmed process to pensions or tax authorities, to correct if some changes following new salary execution.

You can click the  documenticon button to view, print, email or export salary slip to PDF file. You can click leftarrow or rightarrow  to scroll forward or backward in the slips.

Employee for the salary execution

By clicking on the pay run line, in the result of salary execution the system will display total salary of every employee in this salary pay run.

Here you can also click  documenticon to view a particular employee pay slip.

If the pay run has not been confirmed, you can delete individual employees from the salary execution by clicking on  stopIcon, but then you have to take care of correcting already confirmed process to pension or tax authorities if some changes are in the new salary execution.

Salary breakdown of employee

You can also click the line to view a breakdown of the salary and salary items and possible do changes. Changes made here do not affect registered salary under  Salary > File administration > Employees. The changes are only used during this particular pay run.

Below is a breakdown of salary calculation for an employee. The screen is divided into three parts, i.e. employee basic (header), salary and deduction (in the middle), and totals (at the bottom).

By selecting the drop-down list type, you can select to see salary items or deduction items.

You can click a line in the list to reconfigure and modify the % and the number. The components with the symbol  red!at the end mean that they are inactive. This is either because no amount is calculated or because no appropriate data is entered (e.g. number of units is not recorded) or check button has been clicked to do then line (item) inactive.

If something has changed in the items, the system will re-calculate the total salary.

If you select recalculate, then the employee will recalculate based on the basic information recorded in the definition of employee. Therefore, all other information that has been entered will be deleted.

Salary slip

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