Employees page will show a full list of employees.
The icon at the end of the line means currently the employee is inactive.
When you click a line, you can edit information related to that employee.
You can activate an employee by clicking on the icon and change it to
Register new employee
Users can go to Admin > File Administration > Employees to add new employees.
Employee in this list is not necessarily the user of Regla.
The check box User of systems decides if the employee will be created as a user to Regla.
If checked, then the employee will receive his username and password to the email address registered with the employee.
Employee information
This Employee information will display after you click a specific employee on the employee list.
The page will display an employees detailed information (e.g. Date of Birth, Date of employment, Salary type etc.) related to salary payment. You can edit or enter data to each field.
You can edit the basic information of the selected employee here.
Before you record the information, you must check all definition for savings funds and trade union that employee belongs to.
To active an employee, you need to uncheck the inactive tick.
With the exception of the following, most of the fields here can be easily understood according to its name:
Other Salary
If the employee receives salary from other employers, the amount of salary must be entered here so that the system can calculate the correct amount of withholding tax.
Former personal exemption
If the employee is qualified for any tax exemption for his former work, the amount of exemption should be entered here.
Former personal exemption for spouse
If the employees spouse is qualified for any tax exemption that can be utilized in salary, the amount of exemption should be entered here.
Overcharge tax correction
If the withholding tax is over charged, the correction can be made here.
Calculate holiday hours on daytime work
If holiday hours are not calculated to payment, it is possible to calculate the holiday hours to stack up for the employee. On the bottom of the salary slip the gathered holiday hours will be visible as well as used up and remaining holiday hours. If this checkbox is checked then two more salary items will be added, 191 – Holiday hours and 192 - Used holiday hours. When the time comes to pay out the holiday hours then the salary item 192 – Used holiday hours should be used.
Calculate holiday hours on overtime work
Same description as the one above. This option decides if the holiday hours should be calculated for overtime work or not. It is not possible to calculate holiday hours solely for overtime work.
Work hours in a month
If the holiday hours are calculated for fixed monthly or weekly salary, it is needed to register how many work hours are in a month so the system can calculate hourly rates. Work hours in a month are diverse and depend on the contract made with each union. For example, for office employees in the VR union the monthly hours are 160 while for service employees in the VR union, the monthly hours are 170.
Excluded from tax according to contract between nations
If the directorate of internal revenue has confirmed that the employee can be excluded from tax according to contracts between nations then this box should be checked. Note that if the confirmation process is not completed with the directorate of internal revenue, then it will not be possible to send the withholding tax report.
Foreign specialist, tax calculated of 75% of the salary
If an employee is defined as a foreign specialist at the directorate of internal revenue, the employee only has to pay tax of 75% of his salary.
Vacational fund
If an employee should pay another percentage to vacational funds than those defined under trade union it should be registered here. If the employee is not supposed to pay then the excluded checkbox should be checked.
SSN of bank account owner if not employee
If salary has to be payed to bank account which is not owned by the employee the SSN of that owner is registered here.
Special pension 2
If employee wants, he can pay to two special pension funds. By clicking on the image fields for registering information for special pension fund 2 will be shown.
After the salary is processed/confirmed to the accounting system, the system will take care of the unused personal tax exemption automatically.
Salary items
Here you select salary items for an employee. It is common that employees have the same salary items.
Therefore, you can select the same salary items that some other employee has from the drop-down list Select same as.
The system already provides most of the items you need, though you can also create new salary items by yourself by selecting Salary > File administration > Salary items.
You can record amount (e.g. monthly salary) and quantity (if applied, e.g. hours of overtime work).
Recorded amount will be kept until the next run, but quantity of items will be cleared.
After the salary has been calculated, you can change the calculation result by editing these items (e.g. %, number and amount) in Salary Work> Salary execution by clicking on the salary execution and then clicking on the employee.
If you select to recalculate the selected employee or the whole salary, the calculation is always based on the listed salary items.
You can pre-register salary items by clicking
This gives you the opportunity to register (e.g.) post-paid tax for each month in the future as soon as you get the overview from the tax authorities.
It is also possible to register changes of salary from a date in the future. This registration is calculated if the date falls within salary payroll run period