Types in invoice registration

In invoice registration you can register several other types than invoices, e.g. delivery notes, offers and more, which later in the process can become invoices.
When you register invoices, you will only see the types that you select here.

You can give customer a offer and print it or send by email.
The offer can then later be copied to invoice and changed before invoice created.
If you want to change the offer you have to copy it to new offer and then change that offer and then you can delete the older offer. When an offer has been copied to invoice it gets the status inactive and is not shown in Offer list  unless you select  to display older offers be by checking Show older.
Older offers can not be copied to invoice but can be copied to new offer.

Delivery note
The above description for offers also applied to delivery notes. In addition creation of delivery note creates stock transactions. When delivery note is copied to invoice and then invoice created, the system created reverse entries for the whole delivery note to the stock system and makes new sale transactions for the invoice to stock system. So if products or product quantities are fewer on the delivery note than on the final invoice then the system assumes that products have been returned. If products were not returned new delivery note has to be made and also for possible additional products or quantity delivered.

More than one delivery note can be transmitted to invoice registration and in that way create one invoice for multiple delivery notes. This can be suitable if for example the customer is buying items maybe every dat but does not want to get invoice and perhaps claims to the bank each time rather maybe one invoice for the month.

Claim without invoice
The above description for offers also applies to claim without invoice except you can not  print or send in email and you are not allowed to copy to new claim without invoice.
When claim without invoice  is created the system creates a claim in the sale system but no invoice. If and when the customer has paid the claim you can copy it to invoice and create the invoice.
When transactions are requested from a bank account the system finds if claims are paid and if so updates them as paid. So to be able to use this type of registration you also have to use the possibility to request bank transactions under Accounting > Registration > Request transactions.

The above description for offers also applies to preregistration of invoices.

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