Product synchronization

Once the products have been connected between Regla and the online store, you can run a comparison of the products between the systems.

If there are any inconsistencies in any of the products, they will appear in a special list that you can run a synchronization on.

The synchronization is a good tool to get the online store connection started.

Definitions explained

  1. Error connection - something is wrong with the product connection
  2. Connection is OK, data is inconsistent
  3. Connection is OK, data is consistent
  4. Filters available for the synchronization interface
  5. Mark all products on pages
  6. Mark all products
  7. Delete all error connections
  8. Synchronization takes into account product rates in Regla
  9. Data must not be half an hour old, otherwise products must be re-downloaded
  10. Tick what you want to synchronize and whether you want from Regla or an online store
  11. Regla synchronizes marked products with data settings

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