B2B authentication with mobile Ambrosial Kitchen, Dalvegi 30

It is possible to authenticate a B2B purchase at Ambrosial Kitchen, Dalvegi 30 by mobile phone.

To set this up you must go to the authentication website for the company

This is done by scanning the following QR code with you phones camera

...or by visiting the following url on your mobile phone https://www.regla.is/qr/?company=glennskitchen&dept=13586

Here the employee uses their kennitala and 4 letter pin # to create a barcode which is then used to authenticate the employee when making B2B purchases.

  1. Enter your kennitala
  2. Enter you 4 letter pin#
  3. Sláðu inn 4 stafa pin #

Barcode to authenticate

By logging in a barcode is created which is used to authenticate each employee when making a B2B purchase.

You can take a screenshot to save the barcode for authenticating in the future, add the page to the homescreen on the mobile device, save it on the smartwatch or print out, depending on what you prefer.

When you arrive at the restaurant

On the cash register, this is what it looks like. Bring the barcode upp to the reader, if succesful there should be an audible beep and message thanking you for your business.

If you forget your phone or barcode you will always be able to select "Er ekki með kort" and authenticate with your kennitala and pin.

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