Product count

There are several ways to do product counting in Regla.

  1. On back end, it is possible to do a product counting with a barcode or by searching for a product and booking it.
  2. With an Android Zebra handheld computer with a built-in barcode reader running the Regla app to perform counting.
  3. With data entry in

1. Product count interface in

Select Sales / Queries / Stock count

  1. Select the stock being counted
  2. Select the date you are counting on
  3. If the product has a barcode, you can use a barcode reader to retrieve the product
  4. If there is no barcode, you can search for a product by name
  5. Enter quantity
  6. Select the green tick to save a line
  7. When all products have been counted, select "Update Stocks" to record the count

  1. Handheld computer interface

The Regla app has a counting function that can be used with Android or iOS.

Both are used with specially designed computers such as the Zebra TC26 that have a built-in barcode reader, but you can also connect bluetooth barcode readers to handheld computers.

  1. select Autofocus to keep typing in the search window (especially if you're using a barcode scanner)
  2. select the stock being counted
  3. select the date being counted
  4. search for a product or type in a product's barcode

  1. enter the product quantity
  2. select the check mark to save

  1. when the count is finished choose to send in a queue

When the queue has been sent, the count goes to the product count interface in, see way 1 above, and there you have to select the relevant date and update the inventory.

3. Data loading

Start by downloading a template

  1. select a username
  2. select manuals and settings
  3. select template 13. Stock count (product number)

Once the template has been filled out with product number and quantities for the products being counted, the Excel file is saved as CSV and read in by selecting Admin / File administration / Import.

  1. Select template 13. Stock count (product number)
  2. Select the CSV files you just made
  3. Select File contains header line
  4. Choose the correct return symbol (usually ;)
  5. Choose to upload a file
  6. ...and move it in

Next, a window will appear where you can choose

  1. the date
  2. the stock being counted
  3. select save perform import

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