Purchase suggestions

Once you have entered information about purchases and suppliers on the product template, you can start registering and sending orders to suppliers (Purchase system > Purchase suggestions).

In the interface of this page, you have to select a supplier and whether to display only products below the minimum stock or all of the supplier's products.

When you click on Download, all the products listed in the inventory will be displayed.

Information can be entered in the Regarding/Job and Comment fields on the purchase order, as well as selecting the date and stock being ordered.

The table that appears will contain all the products associated with the supplier. The table contains information that should help with decision-making in the purchasing process. This includes sales in the last month, sales in the current month, the date of the last order and how much of the product has already been ordered and is on order.

You can also find the inventory status of all warehouses for the product. The inventory level is either colored green, which means that the product is above the minimum inventory level, or colored red, which means that the inventory level is below the minimum stock level.

In the second to last column is the amount that the system suggests to order. If the inventory level is OK, the system will not suggest ordering anything, but if the inventory level is below the safety limit, the system will suggest the quantity that was registered for the product.

These numbers can be overwritten easily and can be navigated between rows by pressing the Tab key on the keyboard.

The quantity entered in the Order column is the quantity that will be recorded on the purchase order when the Record Purchase Order button is clicked.

When the order is ready to be registered, click on Register purchase order, it can be sent immediately by e-mail if the Send by e-mail check box is checked.

After that, a purchase order will be created:

When a purchase order is entered in this way, it is easy and convenient to enter the purchases into the accounting and inventory system when the stocks arrive.

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